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Electrical/Electrical Installation

Ensure Safety with Electrical Measurements: Grounding, Lightning Rod and Cathodic Protection Inspections
In today's dynamic business environment, ensuring the security of facilities and industrial areas is a key priority. Electrical measurements play a vital role in achieving and maintaining the highest safety standards in these areas. As TSE Global, we help you keep your businesses safe by providing services such as grounding measurement, lightning rod inspection and cathodic protection inspection.
Grounding Measurement
Grounding is the connection of the non-voltage parts to the ground with a conductor in order to avoid risking human life and devices in case of any electrical leakage in the non-voltage parts of the devices used in electrical installations such as homes and workplaces.
Within the scope of grounding measurement activity, grounding installation resistance values ​​are measured and leakage current relay tests are performed in facilities such as Authorized Services, Supply Stations and Factories.
Grounding reports are requested for Ministry of Labor and Social Security Inspections, Municipalities and Special Purposes within the scope of "TSE Service Place Qualification Certificate" and/or Occupational Health and Safety Regulation.
The inspection activity is carried out within the framework of the "Regulation on Internal Electrical Facilities", "Regulation on Grounding in Electrical Facilities", "Regulation on Health and Safety Conditions in the Use of Work Equipment" and "Regulation on Health and Safety Measures to be Taken in Workplace Buildings and Extensions".

Lightning Rod Inspection
It should be done regularly to prevent possible accidents. In facilities such as supply stations, high-rise buildings, industrial facilities, minarets, transformer facilities, stadiums, bridges and airports that are exposed to high amounts of electric current, the current caused by electrical discharge caused by lightning is given to the ground through the conductor in the lightning rod installation. Lightning rod inspection activity is reported by measuring the grounding resistance values ​​of the lightning rod installation and evaluating the effectiveness of the lightning rod installation within the scope of TS EN 62305-1, TS EN 62305-3 standards.
Periodic inspection should be carried out in all structures with lightning protection systems. Inspection can only be carried out by Type A Inspection Bodies. Periodic examinations should be performed at least once a year.
Cathodic Protection Inspection
Metals corrode when they come into contact with water or air. This is a great risk, especially for metal pipes and tanks located under water and soil. In order to prevent metal corrosion, the metal to be protected is protected by contacting a more active metal from outside, applying external current or connecting a galvanic battery. Within the scope of Cathodic Protection activity, the operation of the cathodic protection system of LPG tanks at Supply Stations is tested and reported within the framework of TS 5141 EN 12954 standards.
According to the Regulation on Health and Safety Conditions in the Use of Work Equipment published by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, cathodic protection inspections and measurements must be carried out at least once a year, although no other period is stipulated in other relevant regulations and standards.