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SKDM (Borderline Carbon Regulation Mechanism)

SKDM (Border Carbon Regulation Mechanism) Technical Consultancy

Border Carbon Regulation Mechanism (SKDM) is a regulation created by the European Union (EU) to balance the carbon footprint of imported products. This mechanism is designed to discourage the import of carbon-intensive products from less regulated countries and reduce global carbon emissions, due to the strict regulations on carbon emissions imposed by the EU itself. SKDM targets sectors with high carbon emissions such as iron and steel, aluminum, cement, fertilizer, hydrogen and electricity. When importing these products into the EU, importers have to pay an additional fee based on their carbon content.

SKDM is required for all countries that export products to the EU and manufacturers operating in these countries. Companies exporting to the EU must calculate the carbon footprint of their products and submit certificates issued accordingly. This is especially important for companies operating in carbon-intensive sectors. Companies within the EU must comply with the regulations introduced by SKDM in order to maintain competitive equality.
The mandatory status of SKDM has started to be implemented gradually. In the first stage, companies began to be asked to report their carbon footprint during a transition period starting from January 1, 2023. This reporting process is a preparation period for companies to comply with the regulations. Starting from 2026, companies will have to pay an additional fee depending on the carbon content of imported products. This practice is an important step towards the EU's goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050.
We provide reporting services to the Cement, Fertilizer, Iron-Steel, Aluminum, Electricity and Hydrogen sectors within the scope of SKDM to adapt to this system and to turn the difficulties brought by this regulation into opportunities.
